Yes, it takes 22 minutes to talk about a 3 minute song, at least when it is this complexly constructed. @JPEGMAFIA The Song: • JPEGMAFIA - SIN MIEDO Hoochie Mama by 2 Live Crew"
• Hoochie Mama The Scene from "Don't Be a Menace"
• Don't Be a Menace (4/12) Movie CLIP -... My other spam channel:
/ @fromthedeskofprofessorskye The best way to get my attention is to leave a comment (I read them all) The best way to support me is smashing the like bucket, scubscribing and joiningk my Patreon: The best way to reach me is my businexss email: I am on Instagram:
/ professor_skye You can also buy my merch (for now): https://professor-skye.creator-spring... The best way to hear my music (from over 20 years ago) is on BandCamp: My name on Reddit is "losermobile" for a weird reason